Translation of dlwlrma

This is another translation of IU’s song dlwlrma. dlwlrma, when written in Korean keyboard is 이지금, which means ‘right now’.

This is a secret That I have never confessed to anyone When I tell this story you ask with open eyes How, wow, wow, whatever Actually I have flown from the far future Passing through the starry stars Fly, fly fly

You know, even there, the place is full of idiots No, the shining thing is rather Now, now now.

Today, right now, we are dazzingly beautiful This firework will never end Oh, Whatever

On cloudy days The sky was scary dark The sassy sun wasm’t hot at all peacock blue, blue, blue, whatever

I have made a compass braided from the mischievous wind And where the compass pointed to I found Oh that’s you, you, yes you.

Hey, those things are just tiny stones The shining things are right here Life is cool, cool, cool

We have plenty of time, like this maybe We can live forever Hello my protagonist Yes, to meet you Tada I gracefully arrived

Right now, this day, this moment We are dazzlingly beautiful I know for certain Today’s firework Will never end

The more surprising part starts now

Live in the Present!